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How to Remove Chewing Gum From Floors

Follow our top cleaning tips to find out how to remove chewing gum from floors

Chewing gum and sticky sweets can easily be trodden into buildings, leaving dirt-collecting sticky marks on your hard flooring. Floors with chewing gum and sticky deposits look dirty and uncared for. The longer the chewing gum is left on the floor, the harder it gets to remove as it is trodden in day after day.

Cleaners and caretakers within schools, offices, churches and other high traffic commercial buildings should check for and remove chewing gum and sticky sweet deposits daily to ensure floors are kept looking their best.
It is easy to remove chewing gum from hard flooring in your home or company premises, you just need the right chemical and tools for the job

The Solution

  • Ensure your flooring is solvent resistant – perform a pre-test in an inconspicuous area before full application
  • Be sure to put up your ‘Cleaning in Progress’ safety signs to warn users of the building of wet floors
  • Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove any loose debris
  • Establish where the chewing gum or sticky deposits are
  • Working methodically, so as to not miss any, apply a good chewing gum remover to each deposit
  • Leave the chewing gum remover to get to work; usually for around five minutes
  • With a floor scraper or knife, carefully remove the softened chewing gum and wipe the area with a clean cloth to remove any excess chemical and soiling. Use a light scouring pad to remove any lasting chewing gum residue
  • Collect the softened deposits as you go or sweep up after the full treatment
  • Mop the floor with your usual floor cleaning solution and allow to dry

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